Your Search Engine Marketing Guide
Advance and high technology has opened up opportunities to make our work easier.
But it has also brought some kind of bad effects with it. You can find lots of information on the Internet, some of them are truly useful and the rest is simply worthless information floating around the Internet. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimizes the ranking of each page and brings the relevant information to you. SEM or search engine marketing is a term, which encompasses all kind of efforts to generate leads.
Search engine marketing includes search engine optimization, pay per click management, and landing page optimization.
Usually the task of SEM is to promote websites by increasing the ranking in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are few steps in search engine marketing, which can guide you in developing your own website.
At the outset, do a thorough market research. Most websites have a targeted audience, which has a large proportion of similar age group, gender and income bracket.
Initially, you may find a smaller proportion of audience focused for a particular segment. As a result you have to establish a target market for your site before you start working on the design or content of the market. For this you have to decide on how you can make your website more appealing.
The next step is to make your visibility on search engines or a good quality Online Business Directory. It is essential to conduct a keyword research. While researching for keywords, you should keep in mind that every person browses the Internet in a different way and use different keywords. Hence, there is a variation of terminology and statements, which are determined by the age, profession, and the part of the world they come from.
Pick those keywords, which are relevant to your site. You can definitely discuss with your friends and colleagues as to who could belong to your target audience and get an idea of how they would go about in their search.
After you find good keywords, lay stress on the number of pages to be posted. You can assign different themes to the pages and make them more attractive and appealing.
Take the keyword research list and divide the phrases in between the pages to make sure that they match with the theme. Try to make 200 to 500 words of copy per page. Use the effective keywords in the first para, but make sure that they fit well in the sentences. Do not use hidden layers or spam tricks. You may be penalized or banned for this.
At Slinky we strategically and effectively use headlines, sub-headlines, short paragraphs, fonts and colored themes. Short snappy sales copy with keyword has also proved to be very effective and worthwhile. In case, you don’t want 200 to 500 keyword rich text page. You can create product info sheets or javascript links that expand or contract blocks of text, so that it can be read if necessary by the viewer – and can be crawled by Googlebot.
The main target of SEM is to increase the number of hits to your address. Increased customer calls, leads, and an increase in sales display the effectiveness of any SEM. So don’t wait. Start writing for websites and choose complimentary search engine marketing to attract traffic to your website.